World Dai Star Wiki

I'm sure you can do it, Kokona.

- Shizuka

Shizuka (静香) is a member of Sirius. She's a 16-year-old second-year high school student. Her image color is Cornflower Blue.


While Kokona was practicing on her acting near the sea in Aomori, Shizuka was "born" out of her desire to help Kokona improve her abilities as an actress, although Shizuka initially didn't know that she was Kokona's Sense. After Kokona's acting situation had improved enough that she was satisfied, Shizuka was satisfied too, and disappeared without telling Kokona anything, despite promising to become World Dai Stars together.

A few years later, when Kokona kept failing auditions for supposedly not having a Sense, Shizuka was reactivated and immediately appeared before Kokona again and began trying to improve her acting again. This time, she knew she was Kokona's Sense from the beginning, but she didn't tell her be caused she was worried that Kokona wouldn't believe her.


Shizuka has medium short dark blue hair, she wears a yellow hair clip on the right side of her head. She has round eyes with a blue-turquoise eye colour.

Shizuka wears the Utagawa High School's uniform nearly identically to Kokona although her cardigan is blue and she dons a pantyhouse instead of knee-high socks.

Her usual attire consists of a grey-blue sweater with green jeans and a matching grey belt. She also wears black boots.


Shizuka is a winsome, confident person with a calm, analytical mind. She has something that Kokona lacks. She is always worried about Kokona, who tends to be weak, and always encourages her and gives her sound advice. The two of them work hard every day to realize their dream of becoming a World Dai Star.

She is a confident and dominating girl whose main goal is to become a World Dai Star alongside Kokona. She nags Kokona and the others a lot and often helps Kokona with her daily routine, homework and chores, and there is a running joke in Sirius that she's their mother. She likes taking baths.

For the sake of Kokona becoming a World Dai Star, she pushes Kokona forward whenever she starts to falter and does everything she can to help her. There has been a pattern of Shizuka giving up on her own desires or even life for Kokona's sake.

This culminated in Shizuka deliberately disappearing during the Phantom of the Opera auditions in an attempt to improve Kokona's acting again after they disagreed on how to portray the Phantom and Kokona acquiesced to Shizuka's idea almost immediately. After Kokona fought to get her back during the premiere of The Phantom of the Opera, Shizuka accepted her own desire to be an actor, returned and agreed to become a World Dai Star alongside Kokona for real.

She didn't like Kathrina in the beginning due to the way she mistreated Kokona, but thanks to both Kokona and her own will she became corporeal and stepped in as the messenger from the moon during Sirius' performance of Tale of the Bamboo Cutter both for Kokona and Kathrina's sake, though mainly Kokona's. After becoming corporeal and introducing herself to everyone as Kokona's Sense, she became friendly with everyone, especially Yae whom she adores similarly to Kokona, but her main focus is always Kokona.



"Shizuka": "Shizu" (静) means "quiet" and "Ka" (香) means "fragrance, fragrant".



  • She is the same height as Iroha, Iruru and Kokona.
  • Due to her existence, Shizuka has the ability to change her clothes at will.
  • Her birthday shares the same date for World Dai Star: Yume no Stellarium game anniversary. This date was also revealed on the 1st Game Anniversary stream.

